By Janet Steinberg, Travel Editor Bom Dia (good morning) was my sunny greeting as I arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel Ritz in Lisbon, Portugal.  Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon, long considered the city’s premier hotel, reflects the nobility and charm of historic Portugal.  It was there that I chose to...

BY: JANET STEINBERG “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”  Susan Sontag said it first, but I have to agree with Susan, I haven’t been everywhere, but everywhere is certainly on my list. As a young widow many years ago, I learned that a single journey...

BY: JANET STEINBERG Who would have dreamed it?  Certainly, I could not have! As a young girl, bored to death in a geography class that spoke of sultans, straits, and seven continents, I could never have dreamed where I would be six decades later.  THERE I WAS...