BY JANET STEINBERG The Midwest Travel Writers’ Convention, the birth of three great-grandchildren, and the wedding of my grandson, were among the reasons that kept me from traveling abroad this past year.  However, in spite of the fact that there was no time for traveling internationally, those reasons didn’t keep me from having many fascinating experiences. Come along with me...

BY JANET STEINBERG “Como esta?”  (how are you?) is the friendly greeting of Costa Ricans when you arrive in their tiny country of approximately 4-million people. Don’t reply: “Fine”.  Just say: “Pura vida!”  More than any other two words in a Costa Rican’s vocabulary, Pura vida (Life is good) reflects their upbeat attitude. Being the cruise-aholic that I am, I choose to visit Costa Rica by ship....

BY JANET STEINBERG A gentle breeze wafting through French balconies overlooking the Promenade des Anglais…an aquamarine sea lapping the shore of a glimmering stone beach…a canopied 4-poster bed flanked by 17th century sconces and paisley linen walls…a bottle of champagne shared with someone you love.  Life doesn’t get much better than that!  For me, that paradisiacal life was at the Hotel...

BY JANET STEINBERG                  Like a ball that’s been slammed to the ground, Detroit has been slammed to the ground.  But like a ball, Detroit is bouncing back. Truly America’s “Comeback City”, Detroit has hit a home run with me. Detroit’s downtown occupancy rate is now at 98% and...

BY JANET STEINBERG Although I’ve been to New York City dozens of times…done dozens of things…taken dozens of tours…I called this my “First Time Ever” trip. This time was going to be different.  This time I would do things…and go places…I’ve never experienced before in The Big Apple. GROUND ZERO MEMORIAL: Without a doubt, number one on my “First Time Ever” list had...

BY JANET STEINBERG Zlata Praha (Golden Prague), the city of a hundred golden spires, is one of the prettiest cities in the world.  Divided by the Vltava (Moldau) River, Prague was fortunate not to have suffered destruction in World War II.   PRAGUE: THE CITY OF 100 SPIRES With a history of over 1000 years, Prague is considered the soul of Bohemia.  In 1939, the Germans occupied Czechoslovakia. After...

BY JANET STEINBERG There are said to be only three places in the world with a Mediterranean climate: The actual Mediterranean coast…Catalina Island, California…and the coast of Chile around Santiago.  And, if you work it right, you could enjoy the best of The Med’s climate 12 months of the year. During spring, summer, and fall, that glorious Mediterranean climate is yours for the...

BY JANET STEINBERG I just returned from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where I had the pleasure of seeing four beautiful new faces in the city known as “The Venice of America”. The first three faces were those of three beautiful babies.  Granted I am a bit prejudiced (they are my...

BY JANET STEINBERG It Is the bottom of the world!   For those of you who want to cruise around South America chances are, at some point, you will sail through the Strait of Magellan to Chile on the West Coast of South America. If so, you will be in Punta Arenas...