The Quintessential California Roadtrip by Janet Steinberg From castles to cable cars, big surf to Big Sur, the California Coastline is one of the world’s most celebrated coastlines, and the liberating drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco is one of the most spectacular drives in...

St. Maarten / St. Martin: A Divided Island by Janet Steinberg St. Maarten / St. Martin, the smallest island in the world to be shared by two sovereign powers, is a perfect blend of two European cultures. This island, discovered by Columbus in 1493, was divided...

Around the World One Day At A Time by Janet Steinberg "By the sea, by the sea by the beautiful sea.” These words, from the 1914 song that has appeared in many musicals, television shows and films, are still the mantra of cruiseaholics more than a...

By Janet Steinberg If you’ve never been to Washington, D.C., and only know it from the disturbing television images since January 6, you might imagine it to be a stodgy, smog-ridden, gray city overshadowed by skyscrapers occupied by politicians, lobbyists, lawyers, and streets occupied by protestors. Wrong! Our...

By Janet Steinberg RECIPE FOR ROMANCE: If covid is keeping you from traveling on this Valentine's Day, don’t fret. Just use your imagination. With 3 simple ingredients, you can have a Valentine celebration almost anytime and anywhere. A lake…a lagoon…an ocean…or even a hot tub…just mix...

BY Janet Steinberg The year 2020 was the most memorable year of this travel writer’s career. The Question is: Why is that? The Answer is: Because I didn’t travel. Due to the pandemic it was the only year, in my four decades of writing travel, in which I did...

Willie Nelson, you got it right…just can’t wait to get on the road again. After months of sheltering at home, the world of travel has re-awakened. It’s time to get on the road again. So let’s hop in our cars, head down the highway and explore...

CATCHING THE SKIPPER'S AYE There is some light beginning to peek in at the end of the COVID tunnel…. it’s called a vaccine. And, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be starting to think about your next (or first) cruise. So, while you’re contemplating where to...

By JANET STEINBERG Even if you hate the game… even if you’ve never played the game…even if you’ve always laughed at people whacking a little white ball over hill and vale…you should not pass up the chance to accompany a golf devotee on a getaway to...